20.02.25: well would ya look at that. I'm 24 now
04.02.25: updated photos page
28.01.25: first journal entry of the year woag
10.01.25: added the talking heads shrine!
09.01.25: button wall update
18.12.24: journal update
26.11.24: updated photos page - bird edition lol
11.11.24: journal update but also messing around with some code bc it won't show up in VSC but shows up in neocities. sorry if you catch this page while it's looking weird (trying to get various music players and youtube embeds to work and failing)
29.10.24: fish shrine update with doodles! also journal update because i think the government is conspiring against me and my brother O.O
20.10.24: yeah sure, why not. another journal update.
13.10.24: added the mirror page for silly little picrews bc i guess i got transported back to 2020 today
06.10.24: added my CD collections page + updated the living room. Also updated the button wall.
15.09.24: i promise i'll do something other than a journal update soon T_T
24.08.24: journal update, license plate update, moved the link to v1 of getcubed from the landing page to the site's map
10.08.24: rare appearance of the journal update
03.08.24: 6 months of photos to the photos page!
25.06.24: added the places page! and added new cool sites to the
garden's button wall
05.06.24: added the license plate page! and also did some general
tidying and updating
17.05.24: added the photos page!
15.05.24: added the journal page and also bookbug page!
13.04.24: added the fish shrine!
08.04.24: i remade the site!
25.03.24: new journal entry
21.03.24: some changes to the music page and also another button wall update
16.03.24: new journal entry
05.03.24: new journal entry